Sunday, June 24, 2007

Eedit, E-app-dev, the future

Hi all,

I'm sorry that the list has been so quiet and there have been so few commits recently, I know Tim is busy with his GSoC work, I've been very busy at work, (

I can't tell you much, but I can ask for your help.

As you may or may not be aware my project was a simple EFL based programmers editor.

This was fun for a while and I made some work on what I think would make a pretty good back end for the editor with support for folding and other nice things just about starting to appear. This is a pretty uphill struggle. Freshmeat and Sourceforge are littered with projects like this, abandoned by developers who either got tied up in the hidden details or just ran out of time. This reminded me of the ideas behind the google project, group and blog; it was set up to develop and support others developing applications based on the EFL, these were supposed to be small scale, well designed "starters" where myself and a few developers could quickly crank out basic applications which by design would be easy for other developers to run with and really add some nice features.

So I'm asking for advice, I would like to continue eedit, or eeditr (eedit-rebourn) but this time use an established text editing engine to back it up. Obviously this means that the application wont be a pure EFL production _but_ It will get something nice built, hopefully something that I and others can add functionality to and work on.

If you have suggestions for an engine for eeditr or want to help with eedit then let me know. - Of course, I'm aware of scintilla and the nedit back end, I'm interested in opinions on those and others.
